Midnight Vigils Blend®

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Customer Reviews

Based on 632 reviews
Real Coffee

This is an excellent coffee that gives you a full coffee flavor. I highly recommend the whole bean ground fresh and pressed to get the full flavor of the oils without the bitterness of lighter roasts. I'll never not have this coffee on hand.

Jeffrey Z.
One of the best Darkroastsa

This is an excellent dark roast coffee. Strong flavor, not bitter. Also a great chance to support a good Christian ministry.

Paul G.
Midnight Vigil’s Blend

I love Midnight Vigil’s blend. For a dark roast it is very smooth. Caffeine is not very high at least to my tolerance levels. Highly recommended for an every day morning cup or two.

S. J.
Midnight Vigils Blend

Absolutely delicious coffee!
It’s our first cup in the early morning!
Just love it. Thank you!!

Meredith T.
Bold, rich, delicious!

This coffee is exactly what my husband and I have been looking for! It’s all the better that we can order it in bean form too. Thank you Mystic Monk Coffee!

A distinctive dark roast coffee with chocolate notes

If you love coffee and crave full-bodied dark roast coffee blends with a rich chocolate finish, try our Midnight Vigils Blend®. It’s one of our darkest roasts and the perfect brew for waking up with the sunrise. Robust yet smooth, the fair trade Midnight Vigils Blend® will impress every dark roast coffee and chocolate coffee lover.