Breakfast Blend 5lb

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Customer Reviews

Based on 118 reviews

I like light roasts, and this one tastes really good! My husband and I ran out once, and the other brand we liked before tasted burnt. This is a really smooth flavor that I like to wake up to.

Jennifer A.
Breakfast Blend Review

We absolutely love this coffee! The Breakfast Blend is smooth and mild. This is the only coffee that both my husband and I will drink. We are a devout Catholic family and believe strongly in supporting catholic charities, as well as monasteries, convents, and our local parish. I have family in Wyoming and also a son that is about to enter into major seminary, so I feel like I have a personal connection even though I live in Michigan and order this coffee online. I would recommend this coffee to anyone.

Breakfast blend

Every time it is always a hit.

Deb R.
Something new

We tried the whole bean Breakfast Blend this order because we got a coffee tinder. The coffee is so good when you grind the beans just before brewing! Of course you have to start with the best beans.

John M.
Tasty Breakfast Beverage

Good tasting coffee blend. It is a good way to start the day. I will be purchasing this blend again in the future.

With Arabica beans from the mountain slopes of Central and South America, Breakfast Blend is brisk and invigorating, with notes of raisin, apricot and milk chocolate.
