Midnight Vigils Blend® 10ct.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 213 reviews
John L.
Midnight Vigil

One of the best dark roast I have tasted. If you like dark roast this is the coffee for you.

Deborah M.
Midnight Vigils Blend

Great coffee of course 😀. I love the dark roast.

Steven F.
Great stuff!

I love it!!!!

Central I.c.l.
Smooth flavor, nice aroma

Midnight Vigils blend has a smooth flavor and nice aroma. I like to have a cup with lunch (Noontime Vigil??) and its also great with biscotti. So glad this is available in a Monk Shot.

William S.
Just right

My favorite coffee for the morning. Robust, flavorful, easy-drinking, without being over-roasted or bitter or burnt. But strong enough to make me vigil-ant.

Robust yet smooth, with elements of bittersweet chocolate and vanilla bean, the fair trade Midnight Vigils Blend® is sure to impress the dark roast aficionado.

Not your typical single-serve pod, our Monk-Shots are made freshly after roasting and precision ground for a richer, fuller cup! They are nitrogen flushed for extra freshness, and the special filter extracts more flavor from the coffee than ever before!
They are compatible with all major single serve brewers including Keurig® K-Cup®, Breville®, Mr. Coffee® and Cuisinart®, single-serve machines, including the Keurig 2.0 brewers. (Mystic Monk Coffee is not affiliated with Keurig Inc, the makers of K-Cups.).

10 x Single Serve Monk-Shots