Super Monk Blend Extra Caffeinated Coffee

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Customer Reviews

Based on 408 reviews
karen r.
Super monk blend

This coffee had wonderful bold flavor. What I love about mystic monk coffee is never has the acidity effect of other coffees. It is a fairly strong blend but very smooth.

Byron H.
Old coffee drinker

The "Super Monk Blend" coffee is a delicious blend especially if you like a strong coffee that is not highly acidic. It is very smooth for a strong coffee.

Great eye-opener

My favorite way to start the day! That extra kick of caffeine is the best.

Gary L.

Great coffee! Kept me going after a long night and early morning

Joseph B.

Gotcha going!

Try Mystic Monk's Blend of High Caffeine Coffee Beans - The Super Monk Blend

Over three years in the making, our non-flavored Super Monk Blend has the most caffeine out of any roast we've made to date and is a contender among the world's strongest coffee brands.

It's rich and bold, with deep notes of nutty flavor as well as rich, dark chocolate, all without any bitterness that would reduce its delicious taste. This blend is the perfect choice for coffee lovers looking for a dark roast with a high caffeine content.

Best of all, you don't have to look for it in a market or at a trendy coffee shop — subscribe to Mystic Monk's coffee delivery service, and you can receive this blend in either whole bean or ground coffee packs every month right at your doorstep!


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