Royal Rum Pecan

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Customer Reviews

Based on 734 reviews

Won't drink any other coffee. This is the best! Been drinking for over 10 years & give as gifts.

Snezana S.

Taste great

K. C.
Special coffee

Royal Rum Pecan coffee is wonderful! We love it!

Mary M.
Like a fine wine, it gives off a Heavenly nose!

As it brews, and when you consume it, its distinctive odor is irresistible. I am a confirmed consumer of smooth, dark roast coffee -- always consumed black -- but when the true pecan flavor of this coffee hits my palate, followed by notes of rum, I'm all in. This coffee is also smooth and dark, but it also is complex and lucious!

Deborah M.
Great Coffee!

All your coffees are great! Royal Rum Pecan is in that category.

A grand addition to our delicious gourmet coffee blends, introducing Mystic Monk Coffee's Royal Rum Pecan flavored coffee. As one of our best-seller coffee blends, it stands out from the rest of our selection of other unique flavored coffee, such as our  Carmel and  Hazelnut house blends.

As an irresistible mixture of sweet rum, fresh cream, and pecan-flavored coffee, we recommend this flavor for when you want to give your loved ones — or yourself — the royal treatment.