Midnight Vigils Blend®

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Customer Reviews

Based on 600 reviews
Brian B.
Excellent and unique blend

I really enjoy this excellent and unique blend. About two years ago, this particular coffee was sent to me by mistake. However, after trying it, it has been ordered pretty frequently since then.

Ewa H.
Aromatic coffee without acidity

I use Midnight Vigil blend for the expresso. It is high quality coffee with a lot of aroma without acidity. I subscribed for regular delivery to stay stocked.

Chad J.
Tastes good

Great coffee!

Donna T.
Holy Darkness!

Midnight Vigils remains our favorite for the smooth, dark, silky taste! Bold, dark, and great on its own or paired with a flavored variety to cut down some on the power of flavored coffees and make the taste more subtle. It's our go-to brew as coffee purists.

Kara H.

Enjoyed it so much, I bought extras for gifting.

A distinctive dark roast coffee with chocolate notes

If you love coffee and crave full-bodied dark roast coffee blends with a rich chocolate finish, try our Midnight Vigils Blend®. It’s one of our darkest roasts and the perfect brew for waking up with the sunrise. Robust yet smooth, the fair trade Midnight Vigils Blend® will impress every dark roast coffee and chocolate coffee lover.